Episode 124: A History of Events (Why Some Succeed and others Fail)

Since the advent of the Direct Market, event comics have been a staple of Marvel and DCs sales strategy.  But, while some are huge successes still fondly remembered, others are mocked or completely forgotten.  We go back to the start of the Event Era and look at some of the most famous and infamous to see if we can figure out what is the winning strategy.

When Heroes Gather…Sales Follow.

Without Secret Wars, there would be no Venom. You’re welcome, Tom Hardy.

Worlds live…worlds die. Well, mostly, worlds die.

Of course there was a foil cover. Sigh

Is he though? (Insert Thor meme here)

Episode 48: Marvel Around the World (Marvel Characters based outside the United States)

Although most Marvel comic book stories are based in United States (and even more specifically New York), there are heroes in many other countries in the Marvel Universe.  We take a look at a few of them, trying to avoid the ones completely based around a stereotype of that country (except maybe Kangaroo).  Let’s romp around the world and check out the international heroes of Marvel!

Do you know this hero? If so, please email to be on the show!

Do you know this hero? If so, please email to be on the show!

Wakanda’s not real, so we don’t talk much about Black Panther, but he’s still gets a picture!

Wakanda’s not real, so we don’t talk much about Black Panther, but he’s still gets a picture!

Not pictured: Banshee, but he does get added in soon after.

Not pictured: Banshee, but he does get added in soon after.

Just a few characters featured in Contest of Champions. Black Knight ends up as an Avenger down the line! The rest…not quite as successful.

Just a few characters featured in Contest of Champions. Black Knight ends up as an Avenger down the line! The rest…not quite as successful.

Snowbird has reallllly long hair, apparently.

Snowbird has reallllly long hair, apparently.

Captain Britain’s original costume on the left, the new costume on the right. What’s your preference?

Captain Britain’s original costume on the left, the new costume on the right. What’s your preference?

We’ll get to Silk when we do the “The Replacements: Spider-Man” eventually.

We’ll get to Silk when we do the “The Replacements: Spider-Man” eventually.