Episode 169: Loki - A Deep Dive (Season 2, Episode 6)

Loki Season 2 comes to a climax as one of the most complex and well-performed characters gets a very fitting ending (it appears), and my guest Anne and I get into every detail along the way, as we discuss the writing, direction, costuming, and other choices made and how they impact the story as a whole.

The branches get much more literal.

Episode 135: She-Hulk - A Deep Dive (Episode 9)

Andy Wilson from the Kiss Your Franchise Goodbye podcast and Kristin Scalisi both return to discuss the final episode of (this season of?) She-Hulk, and its themes, ideas, and of course, K.E.V.I.N.  We also take tangents on “clip shows” and embarrassing bedroom posters.

There’s only one new character that I would show their comic book picture of this episode, and they don’t show up until the final scene, so I’ll leave that spoiler out.

Episode 83: WandaVision - A Deep Dive Finale (Ep 9)

Completing our look at the new MCU show starring Elizabeth Olson and Paul Bettany on Disney+,  Kurt is joined by personal friend and frequent question asker Joel L. (an MCU fan, but not a regular comic reader) in order to see the show from all sides, theorize about the mysteries, and discuss the connections to the comics that inspired the series.

Round one: Physical combat.  Round two: Philosophy debate.  Round 3: Swimsuit competition?

Round one: Physical combat. Round two: Philosophy debate. Round 3: Swimsuit competition?