Episode 71: Death Becomes You - Alex DeWitt (from Green Lantern)
Continuing a recurring feature, “Death Becomes You” looks at some of the more unusual deaths in comic books. This time, we look closer at the unfortunate demise of Alex DeWitt, a brief supporting cast member in the Green Lantern title in the 90s. While her death hasn’t had much in the way of repercussions in the DCU, it has led to a new term in this one, and helped bring a new professional comic book writer into the fold. How did that happen? Take a listen and find out!
As promised in the episode, here is a link to the original Women in Refrigerators site inspired by Alex’s death, which helped lead to Gail Simone’s comic book career.
Alex’s first appearance.
And her last…(Thankfully, the colorists helped keep this from being too grotesque)