Episode 106: Santa Claus in Comics - Marvel Edition
Happy Holidays, everyone! Like last year’s episode, I thought it fitting (considering the timing) to go over some of Santa’s appearances in various comic books, this time focusing on Marvel Comics (other companies may be featured in future years), as he meets the X-Men, Spider-Man, and Howard the Duck (twice!), among other appearances. Warning: Ironically and unfortunately, this episode may not be suitable for kids. (Mostly due to the topic. Language-wise, it’s safe)
🎶I saw Hitler shooting…Santa Claus…🎶
We never do find out when/how they got turned back from action figures…
Back when Howard was always an angry duck. He’s mellowed over the years…
Ho Ho Ho, now I have a handgun.
No, Shulkie, we’re not kidding.
This cover is misleading, but what we do get is equally (if not more) disturbing…