Episode 46: Two Questions from the Ladies of the “OHotMU or Not?” Podcast
Being non-comic readers (for the most part), but having to deal with things in the comic book world, I was curious to find out if the ladies from the OHotMU or Not podcast had questions they needed answered about comics. And they delivered! Two questions coming this week (one from Elyse and one from Nathalie), and two more next episode! First I “Explain Comics” to the best of my ability, then we go into why heroes get replaced, and how the Direct Market figures into that equation.
I’m betting if you took a guess as to which end up as “Hots” and which are “Nots" according to the OHotMU or Not podcast, you’d only get about half right.
Scott and I disagree slightly on this definition, but it’s pretty darn close.