Episode 7 (Remastered): The Replacements - Captain America
A Re-mastered version of Episode 7 with improved audio. The first in a recurring series where we look at the characters that have taken on a classic heroic identity, and what happened to them after the original returned. In this original installment, we looked at the various Captains America.
You wouldn’t know it at first glance, but there are two Captains America on this cover.
The “white eyes” is not a good look for Cap.
I hope he didn’t actually toss his shield aside while people were shooting at him…
They can do this all day.
Two people who call themselves Captain America at one time or another, and neither one is Steve…
Unsurprisingly, Sam has gotten back in the costume in the comics, to match his MCU counterpart.
Steve doing his best Harvey Dent impersonation.
You saw him briefly in “Falcon & Winter Soldier,” but he never wore the costume.