Episode 133: She-Hulk - A Deep Dive (Episode 7)
Brooke Heyn and Andy Wilson from the Kiss Your Franchise Goodbye podcast both return to Dive Deep into the latest episode of She-Hulk. In addition to learning a lot about Jen’s dating life, you also get to hear some of the personal history of the podcasters themselves, as various moments from the show bring up memories.
Hello! My name is El Aguila. Prepare…to cry.
Man-Bull has ranged from the mannish side of things…
to quite Bullish. Do you have a preference?
Porcupine as he appeared on the cover of his first appearance. As I said in the show, you couldn’t get much more accurate than this.
So, was Saracen supposed to be this guy?
or this one? (Believe it or not, I think they meant to reference the latter)