Episode 64: Heroes on the Clock - Peter Parker (aka Spider-Man’s Day Jobs)
High school student, college student, photojournalist, teacher? Peter Parker, aka the Amazing Spider-Man has actually held a number of different jobs over the years. Going in chronological order, we look at the various career paths Peter has taken, starting all the way back at his first appearance to today.
He may be “hard at work,” but he’s not actually working yet.
His photography job was so iconic, they put it in the opening credits of his cartoon.
Well, that went about as well as one could expect (also “give her a whirl for her money”? Yeesh.)
This is not when scholarships are announced.
Spoilers: The answer to that question is always “Yes.”
Peter’s first real non-photography based job. Although, shining your signal on the chalkboard isn’t going to help with the “secret identity” thing.
Peter’s brief tenure with Stark Industries.
You talk about Peter Parker long enough, it’s bound to get around to this story…unfortunately.
If you’re going to add a number, always make it 42.
If only he hired someone to work for him named Magnum, so they could say “Magnum, P.I.”
I can explain…well, no I can’t explain, without telling you all I’m Spider-Man. Never mind…