Episode 172: Football-playing Superheroes

In light of the Big Game that aired the day of this episode’s release, I found it only right to discuss heroes who were active in the sport at one time or another in their life.  From Superman to SuperPro, football has been a part of many comic characters lives. Find out which of your favorites is included!

Just don’t use your heat vision on them…

As long as the force doesn’t deflate the ball. Or is that okay?

In the future, helmets will have completely black faceplates. Also, the goalpost will be much shorter, apparently.

In the New Universe, all football players get a nickname.

It’s great when your voice can actually make a logo.

Episode 153: Unusual Superhero Vehicles (2 of 2) - The SuperMobile

Finishing up our look at a couple of unusual vehicles driven by famous superheroes, we land over at DC Comics, where the Supermobile is under the magnifying glass. How does it do all the things it can do?  Why was it brought into the comics in the first place? We talk all that and more this episode.

Of course that’s the title of this story…

The Supermobile (literally) crashes onto the scene!

And of course, the Supermobile toy itself…Here’s the original…

The “Krypton Action Ram” version…

And the currently available McFarlane Toys version straight out of the comics.

Episode 151: Who is Kamandi?

The Last Boy on Earth! This Jack Kirby creation is probably not known to many outside hardcore comic book fans, but thanks to an animated short, one listener discovered his existence and asked Kurt to explain more about the world of Kamandi.

Planet of the Apes…and Rats…and Wolves…and…

The story plays a little bit with “The Mighty One” being a mystery, but the cover does not.

Still going with the ripped jorts look, huh? Talk about a Great Disaster!

Episode 123: The Revolving Death Door (Why all the Resurrections in Comics?)

The saying the listener asking this week’s question references used to be: “No one stays dead but Bucky, Jason Todd and Uncle Ben,” but two of those three have also returned from the grave. So, why are so many characters brought back to life after being given a “permanent” end to their story?

Yes, I see where this is going…

Yes, that makes sense…

Wait. What?

This is…not how lightning works. Except the “you dying” part.

This will work out fine, I’m sure.


He got better.

Episode 74: Santa Claus in Comics - DC Edition

Happy Holidays, everyone!  As this releases on Christmas Eve, I thought it fitting to go over some of Santa’s appearances in various comic books, this time focusing on DC Comics (other companies may be featured in future years).  Three team-ups with Superman and two other special Christmas stories are discussed.  Warning: Ironically and unfortunately, this episode may not be suitable for kids. (Mostly due to the topic. Language-wise, it’s safe)

The lower right area is where the various stores were able to put their logo.

The lower right area is where the various stores were able to put their logo.

Woah!  Watch the hands there, buddy!

Woah! Watch the hands there, buddy!

Presents and elves flying off the back.  Santa really needs to watch his sleigh driving…

Presents and elves flying off the back. Santa really needs to watch his sleigh driving…

Please heed the warning on the cover.

Please heed the warning on the cover.

Black Adam is in the book (unlike some of the others here), but sadly didn’t make the cover…

Black Adam is in the book (unlike some of the others here), but sadly didn’t make the cover…

Episode 52: Fifty-Two (The DC Mini-Series)

No, I’m not just repeating the episode number again, but spelling it out. 52 (or Fifty-Two) was an important work in the DC Universe, so much so that the number keeps popping up in DC Lore ever since.  This year-long weekly series was the first in a few that DC did, but is the only one that really left a lasting impact.  Because this is Episode 52, I decided to go into more detail on this story, introducing the basic set-ups and talking about what made the story one of my personal favorites.

The build-up (and a very soft reboot).

The build-up (and a very soft reboot).

Steel, Ralph, The Question, Booster Gold, and Renee are all there in the background.

Steel, Ralph, The Question, Booster Gold, and Renee are all there in the background.

Everything there means something, but telling you what would be spoiler territory.

Everything there means something, but telling you what would be spoiler territory.

Episode 40: Weird Hero/Villain Match-Ups (Emperor Joker and Acts of Vengeance)

We look at some of the more bizarre tussles between heroes and villains.  That includes when Superman fought an ultra-powerful Joker, and Acts of Vengeance, including the “Cosmic Spider-Man” story.

There’s a reason she’s called “The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.”

There’s a reason she’s called “The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.”

The Harley Scepter is adorable!

The Harley Scepter is adorable!

This was the plan…Didn’t quite work out as well as the villains hoped…

This was the plan…Didn’t quite work out as well as the villains hoped…

Ummm…I think it’s you, Spidey.

Ummm…I think it’s you, Spidey.

Yes, this is as ridiculous as it appears to be.

Yes, this is as ridiculous as it appears to be.

Episode 37: The Kryptonite Rainbow - What Do They Do?

Green Kryptonite, Red Kryptonite, Blue, White, Jewel?  How many varieties of Kryptonite are there, and how does each of them effect the Man of Steel and the other Kryptonians in the DC Universe?  Kurt goes through every single published version of Kryptonite so you’ll now know.

Don’t forget to Submit a Question if you have a topic you’d like to hear about in a future episode!

Just your garden variety Green Kryptonite.

Just your garden variety Green Kryptonite.

“Don’t forget to tell everyone in the world the five ways to hurt or kill me!” - Superman

“Don’t forget to tell everyone in the world the five ways to hurt or kill me!” - Superman

Pictured: Too late.

Pictured: Too late.

Don’t we all, Lois? Don’t we all…

Don’t we all, Lois? Don’t we all…

Episode 30: The DC Animated Universe Overview

First, a note from a listener about the Star Trek Economy.  Then, from Batman: The Animated Series to Justice League Unlimited; a brief look at the history of one of the greatest TV and movie universes created.

Don’t forget to check out Patreon for exclusive bloopers from this episode, as well as full scripts for past shows. Just $1.00 per month to show your support!

The one that started them all. “I am the knight! I am vengeance! I am…Batman!”

The one that started them all. “I am the knight! I am vengeance! I am…Batman!”

A stark contrast to Batman’s show. Look, there’s daytime!

A stark contrast to Batman’s show. Look, there’s daytime!

The new animation style for the New Batman Adventures. Oh no, Nightwing! Not the mullet!

The new animation style for the New Batman Adventures. Oh no, Nightwing! Not the mullet!

I have no mouth, yet I must growl.

I have no mouth, yet I must growl.

In the comics, that disk he is floating on started as a trash can lid. Fortunately, he quickly upgraded.

In the comics, that disk he is floating on started as a trash can lid. Fortunately, he quickly upgraded.

The only DCAU movie released in the theater. Insert Bat A into Slot B.

The only DCAU movie released in the theater. Insert Bat A into Slot B.

The Big 7. Well, the Big 5 plus 2 for most non-comic book fans.

The Big 7. Well, the Big 5 plus 2 for most non-comic book fans.

Some (but not all) of the heroes seen in Justice League Unlimited. Can you name them all?

Some (but not all) of the heroes seen in Justice League Unlimited. Can you name them all?

27 years later, still going! Keep it up, DCAU crew!

27 years later, still going! Keep it up, DCAU crew!

Episode 15: The Replacements - Superman

The Eradicator.  Cyborg Superman.  Steel.  Superboy.  Each claimed to be Superman's successor, but none were the true heir.  Where did they come from, and what happened to them after Superman's return?

Don’t forget to listen on the RadioPublic app to support the show at no extra cost to you!

The story that brought these four to the forefront.

The story that brought these four to the forefront.

One of these turns out to be a villain. Any guesses on which?

One of these turns out to be a villain. Any guesses on which?

The Eradicator’s original form. And yes, that’s Superman with a beard.

The Eradicator’s original form. And yes, that’s Superman with a beard.

Just a slight transformation from his hand-held device form.

Just a slight transformation from his hand-held device form.

Hank has seen better days.

Hank has seen better days.

Who wouldn’t trust that face?

Who wouldn’t trust that face?

Not a replacement, just an homage to a hero.

Not a replacement, just an homage to a hero.

Natasha takes over as Steel, and she means business.

Natasha takes over as Steel, and she means business.

Alas, I knew her Horatio…

Alas, I knew her Horatio…

Leather jacket, unnecessary thigh belt, sunglasses? Oh right, it’s the 90s.

Leather jacket, unnecessary thigh belt, sunglasses? Oh right, it’s the 90s.

Young Justice isn’t a great name, but Impulse wanted to call them Super Heroes In Training, so it could be worse (check the acronym…)

Young Justice isn’t a great name, but Impulse wanted to call them Super Heroes In Training, so it could be worse (check the acronym…)

The 1990s eventually passed, thankfully for Superboy.

The 1990s eventually passed, thankfully for Superboy.

Superboy decides to take after his other “dad” for a little while. It doesn’t end well.

Superboy decides to take after his other “dad” for a little while. It doesn’t end well.

Episode I - The Starts and Restarts of the DC Universe

Learn the history of the various reboots of the DC Universe, both hard and soft.  From Action Comics #1 in 1938 all the way to 2016's Rebirth, find out about the big continuity shake-ups that have changed the history of some of your favorite characters.

Don't forget to Subscribe in iTunes!

In the beginning...

In the beginning...

The Silver Age starts in a Flash

The Silver Age starts in a Flash

Flash meets Flash

Flash meets Flash

It's called Crisis for a reason

It's called Crisis for a reason

These things never go well for The Flash

These things never go well for The Flash

A major crossover with no Superman, Batman, or Wonder Woman?

A major crossover with no Superman, Batman, or Wonder Woman?

High collars and low cut tops. Thanks, Jim Lee!

High collars and low cut tops. Thanks, Jim Lee!

The oddest game of tag ever.

The oddest game of tag ever.