Episode 150: Cross Company References and a Montage of Multiverse

In this special 150th episode, I take a couple of questions that I’ve had for a little while that I didn’t feel fit a full episode, and answer both, as well as returning to an old feature, identifying the source of a pop culture touchstone that’s been used so many times, you may not know the origin!

Follow along as I find as many references as I can.

Episode 6: Marvel vs. DC - A History

The listener question this time is about the rivalry of Marvel vs. DC; the differences between the two companies, the history of their feuds and collaborations, and other causes for the rift in the fan community.  

One of these fights is fairly even. The other two, not so much...

One of these fights is fairly even. The other two, not so much...

In true 90s fashion, votes for this were either mailed in, or you could vote on an America Online page.

In true 90s fashion, votes for this were either mailed in, or you could vote on an America Online page.

Some of these mash-ups made more sense than others, but they were all fun.

Some of these mash-ups made more sense than others, but they were all fun.

That cover alone made this worth getting. Unfortunately, the trade is out of print, so good luck getting it at a reasonable price.

That cover alone made this worth getting. Unfortunately, the trade is out of print, so good luck getting it at a reasonable price.