Episode 106: Santa Claus in Comics - Marvel Edition

Happy Holidays, everyone!  Like last year’s episode, I thought it fitting (considering the timing) to go over some of Santa’s appearances in various comic books, this time focusing on Marvel Comics (other companies may be featured in future years), as he meets the X-Men, Spider-Man, and Howard the Duck (twice!), among other appearances.  Warning: Ironically and unfortunately, this episode may not be suitable for kids.  (Mostly due to the topic.  Language-wise, it’s safe)

🎶I saw Hitler shooting…Santa Claus…🎶

We never do find out when/how they got turned back from action figures…

Back when Howard was always an angry duck. He’s mellowed over the years…

Ho Ho Ho, now I have a handgun.

No, Shulkie, we’re not kidding.

This cover is misleading, but what we do get is equally (if not more) disturbing…

Episode 6: Marvel vs. DC - A History

The listener question this time is about the rivalry of Marvel vs. DC; the differences between the two companies, the history of their feuds and collaborations, and other causes for the rift in the fan community.  

One of these fights is fairly even. The other two, not so much...

One of these fights is fairly even. The other two, not so much...

In true 90s fashion, votes for this were either mailed in, or you could vote on an America Online page.

In true 90s fashion, votes for this were either mailed in, or you could vote on an America Online page.

Some of these mash-ups made more sense than others, but they were all fun.

Some of these mash-ups made more sense than others, but they were all fun.

That cover alone made this worth getting. Unfortunately, the trade is out of print, so good luck getting it at a reasonable price.

That cover alone made this worth getting. Unfortunately, the trade is out of print, so good luck getting it at a reasonable price.

Episode 4: Why Are Mutants Hated?

Mutants are "hated and feared" by many humans in the Marvel Universe, but listener Aaron L. wants to know why they're treated so differently from the other super-powered beings.  Kurt tackles this question, as well as announcing a contest! (See below for more details)

How exactly does Iceman see? Perhaps that's why he missed.

How exactly does Iceman see? Perhaps that's why he missed.

No, of course I wasn't the first to make that joke.

No, of course I wasn't the first to make that joke.

16 million dead, and that's the opening chapter. The story's called "E for Extinction" for a reason.

16 million dead, and that's the opening chapter. The story's called "E for Extinction" for a reason.

What's wrong with Wanda?

What's wrong with Wanda?

I accidentally refer to this storyline as "Mutant Messiah" in the episode. I was close...

I accidentally refer to this storyline as "Mutant Messiah" in the episode. I was close...

Contest announcement!  Go to the Welcome to Geektown Facebook page, and share any post there for an entry into the contest.  Get two more entries into the contest by leaving a five-star review on iTunes (this also gets you in the Geektown City Council).  One winner, picked at random, will win their own copy of Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 1 Trade Paperback, where Peter Parker's origin is retold in a more modern format.  A great jumping-on point!

With great something, comes great something else...

With great something, comes great something else...

Episode 2 - Where to Start: The Marvel Edition

Where should one begin reading when they take their first foray into the Marvel Universe?  That's the question asked today by listener Justin B., and Kurt offers a few different options with pros and cons for each.

She's already caught. How will turning invisible help?

She's already caught. How will turning invisible help?

The DIY option for the budding young colorist.

The DIY option for the budding young colorist.

Power and Responsibility. Prepare to read those words a lot.

Power and Responsibility. Prepare to read those words a lot.

No more what now?

No more what now?