Episode 162: The Replacements - Green Lantern (Pt. 1; Guy Gardner)

Continuing our ongoing “Replacements” feature, this is the first part of the Green Lantern franchise.  Even with only covering those that directly replaced Hal Jordan, we’re still going to need multiple shows to discuss all the successors to the mantle, and what happened to them when Hal inevitably returned.  We start with the first of those, Guy Gardner, a polarizing figure to say the least.

Ironically, he’s actually very nice in his first appearance, despite this cover.

Any man who dares walk the streets with that haircut has to be tough…

One of (a few) stints as a Red Lantern…

…or, in one case, a hybrid Green/Red (wouldn’t that be brown?).

My personal favorite Guy Gardner moment.

Episode 161: Comic Book Characters with Disassociative Identity Disorder

Thanks to listener feedback, we’re looking at another group of heroes with a specific mental disorder. This time it’s DID (or Disassociative Identity Disorder).  Moon Knight, Legion, Crazy Jane, and others are members of this unique club discussed this episode.
Thank you to DisassociDID for her videos discussing her experiences with DID. Anything I got right about can be credited to her. Anything I got wrong is totally me.

R.I.P. Arleen Sorkin, the original Harley Quinn.

The Void, Robert Reynolds, and The Sentry.

You will believe a Hulk (or two) can cry.

That’s less than 64, so they’re not all there yet…

I don’t actually think that’s the scientific term…but glad to hear you’re feeling good.

Episode 160: Neurodivergent Superheroes

Based on his portrayal in the recent movie bearing his name, a listener is curious about The Flash ever having been shown on the autism spectrum before this, as well as the presence of other neurodivergent characters in the superhero realm, which is what we discuss this episode.

Link to the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network for more information on autism and other neurodiverse conditions.

Yeah, I can see it…

Oh, Reed, no…

Yes, we’ve had white suit…but what about second white suit? And third…and fourth…

He is the one that delivers…

Sniff any hair lately, Ed? (Listen to Gothamites, you’ll get it…)

Episode 159: Secret Invasion Deep Dive (Episode 6)

The final episode of Secret Invasion takes us “Home.”  Well, at least, for those that survived.  To find out who those are, take a listen as Dag and I discuss the season finale, it’s ups and downs, and what it might mean for future MCU projects.

It’s time to play…Spot the Powers!

Episode 158: Secret Invasion Deep Dive (Episode 5)

It’s been hinted at and this week we finally know for sure what the “Harvest” is and why it’s so important.  Once again, Dag joins me for this Deep Dive into Secret Invasion. Find out who our favorite new MCU character is among other things in this penultimate episode.

Fine, I’ll just tell you…It’s her. She’s our favorite new MCU character.

Episode 157: Secret Invasion Deep Dive (Episode 4)

From last week’s “Betrayed,” to this week’s “Beloved,” we’ve got some important conversations, and one giant action scene.  Dag and I discuss all the details of this episode, including the Skrull reveal (that was really done last episode), and another fateful death.

Yes, but for how long?

Episode 156: Secret Invasion Deep Dive (Episode 3)

This week’s episode of Secret Invasion is titled “Betrayed,” and it makes sense, as there are plenty of people feeling that way.  Fortunately, Dag didn’t betray me, and he showed up to bring his thoughts on the show.  Together, he and I discuss the ins and outs of the plot, and where we think things will go from here.

The comic book version of Varra has made only a couple of appearances. This is the one you can see her best in.

Episode 155: Secret Invasion Deep Dive (Episode 2)

Secrets are starting to be revealed in this Secret Invasion, especially right at the end of this episode.  Special guest Dag (aka TrekNexus) and I discuss our thoughts, theories, and general opinions on the episode titled “Promises.”

We have a feeling that this guy (or someone very similar) is in our future…

…so you should learn his Theme Song.

Episode 154: Secret Invasion Deep Dive (Ep 1)

Who Can You Trust? Find out (or at least theorize) in this first episode of our Deep Dive into the Secret Invasion show on Disney+. Is Nick Fury really as washed up as everyone says he is, or is that just another one of his spy tricks? Special guest TrekNexus from the Beyond Trek podcast joins me as we debate that and other details from the show.

If you watch this after watching Episode 1, you’ll notice some new things you didn’t see the first time.

I say the chances of seeing something like this in the show are just about nil, but that’s okay, because this never was something that actually happened in the comics either.

No soda sipping for the original Talos…

As I say in the episode, I believe this is Gravik’s closest comic counterpart.

Episode 153: Unusual Superhero Vehicles (2 of 2) - The SuperMobile

Finishing up our look at a couple of unusual vehicles driven by famous superheroes, we land over at DC Comics, where the Supermobile is under the magnifying glass. How does it do all the things it can do?  Why was it brought into the comics in the first place? We talk all that and more this episode.

Of course that’s the title of this story…

The Supermobile (literally) crashes onto the scene!

And of course, the Supermobile toy itself…Here’s the original…

The “Krypton Action Ram” version…

And the currently available McFarlane Toys version straight out of the comics.

Episode 152: Unusual Superhero Vehicles (1 of 2) - The Spider-Mobile

For the next two episodes, we’ll look at a couple of unusual vehicles driven by famous superheroes.  We skip over the Batmobile, the Invisible Jet, and other well-known vehicles and go straight to the bizarre, starting with the wall-crawler’s ill-fated car, the Spider-Mobile.

A display with a few iterations of the Batmobile inspired our listener’s missive.

I feel like the “Spidey” license plate is redundant. And also probably not an actual NY license plate.

…with a vengance!

You can’t get rid of it that easily, Spidey!

It will haunt you forever…

The Spider-Verse is a little nuts.

Episode 151: Who is Kamandi?

The Last Boy on Earth! This Jack Kirby creation is probably not known to many outside hardcore comic book fans, but thanks to an animated short, one listener discovered his existence and asked Kurt to explain more about the world of Kamandi.

Planet of the Apes…and Rats…and Wolves…and…

The story plays a little bit with “The Mighty One” being a mystery, but the cover does not.

Still going with the ripped jorts look, huh? Talk about a Great Disaster!

Episode 150: Cross Company References and a Montage of Multiverse

In this special 150th episode, I take a couple of questions that I’ve had for a little while that I didn’t feel fit a full episode, and answer both, as well as returning to an old feature, identifying the source of a pop culture touchstone that’s been used so many times, you may not know the origin!

Follow along as I find as many references as I can.

Episode 9 (Remastered): Cloak & Dagger and Cloak & Dagger

The last of the remastered episodes, as after this, I bought a new, better microphone. Although the show is long gone, Cloak & Dagger was a fairly faithful adaptation while it lasted.  The major similarities and difference are discussed here.

From (the now defunct) Marvel television. At this point, I’m doubting they’ll return, but you never know!

Law and Order: Special Mutants Unit.

Dagger’s outfit was never going to be translated directly, especially played by a teenager.

Duran Duran and Kate Bush get call outs in the graffiti, in case you weren’t aware that this was written in the 80s.

The first Cloak & Dagger I ever saw. And yes, that’s Elliot from E.T. (aka Henry Thomas) as the kid.

Episode 149: The Why-Men (Lesser-Known X-Men; Banshee, Sunfire, & Thunderbird)

Continuing our look at some of the less-famous X-Men roster, we’ve reached the Giant-Sized issue that reinvented the team, and the three members who never quite reached the fame of their compatriots like Nightcrawler, Colossus, Storm, and Wolverine.

Only one of the three we discuss even makes the cover. That’s got to hurt.

Banshee in one of his early villainous appearances.

…and what he looks like after joining the good guys. Amazing how much more attractive heroes are.

Sean in his “Horseman of Death” aspect.

And now as “Vox Ignis.”

Welcome to the team!

Well, that was quick…

The always pleasant to be around John Proudstar…

Welcome to the X-Men, John! Hope you survive the…Oh. Never mind.

45 years later…finally back!

Episode 8 (Remastered): I’m Talking to You Through the Fourth Wall

A Re-mastered version of Episode 8 with improved audio. This episode provides first a definition of, then a few prime examples from (mostly) comics of breaking the fourth wall. This was originally released way before the She-Hulk TV show, but she still gets some representation here!

I never watched the new show. Did we ever get a “Time Out” there?

I wonder if Betty White actually signed off on that quote.

Deadpool…in…spaaaaaaaace! (Take a listen to the episode for the full effect)

Gwenpool…in…gutterspace! (The white space between panels is called “the gutter.”)

Animal Man…in…Okay, I’ve probably played out the joke now.

Quantum, Woody, and Bat-Man. (Read the book)

Episode 148: Who Are The New Warriors (Volume 3 and Civil War)

Celebrating five years of Welcoming people to Geektown, Kurt continues his anniversary tradition of going over the history of his favorite character Speedball and his teammates on The New Warriors, this year reaching the short-lived Volume 3, leading into the epic event, Civil War.

Microbe usually isn’t front and center of combat. Usually, he looks more like…

this. Note the flies buzzing. He doesn’t shower, as to avoid losing his germ “friends.”

A bunch of debris, thanks to Debrii.

A promotional image of the TV show roster. Can you see why I believe the reality show was part of the concept?

Episode 7 (Remastered): The Replacements - Captain America

A Re-mastered version of Episode 7 with improved audio. The first in a recurring series where we look at the characters that have taken on a classic heroic identity, and what happened to them after the original returned. In this original installment, we looked at the various Captains America.

You wouldn’t know it at first glance, but there are two Captains America on this cover.

The “white eyes” is not a good look for Cap.

I hope he didn’t actually toss his shield aside while people were shooting at him…

They can do this all day.

Two people who call themselves Captain America at one time or another, and neither one is Steve…

Unsurprisingly, Sam has gotten back in the costume in the comics, to match his MCU counterpart.

Steve doing his best Harvey Dent impersonation.

You saw him briefly in “Falcon & Winter Soldier,” but he never wore the costume.

Episode 147: Interview with J.M. DeMatteis (Part 2 of 2)

We conclude the conversation with writer J.M. DeMatteis, starting with his fantasy graphic novel, Moonshadow, then working our way through his career, including the Justice League, some animation, music, and others all the way up to his current projects.

If you’d like to take a look and possibly purchase any of the books in the DeMultiverse, you can do so here.

Pay no attention to the moon behind the curtain…

The cover that launched a seminal run…and inspired many, many other covers.

One of very few adaptations to credit Alan Moore with his permission.

A small sample of J.M.’s music.

Episode 6 (Remastered): Marvel vs. DC - A History

A re-mastered version of Episode 6 with greatly improved audio, thanks to AI.  The history of Marvel and DC’s rivalry, as well as some general differences between the companies over the years, is discussed in this classic episode.

Hope you had time to prepare, Batman!

Kind of a shame that Thor costume was what was current, as this very much dates it to the 90s.

It was a very short “age.”

Even after a hardcover reprint for charity, you’re still looking at paying a pretty penny for this story, but it’s worth it.