Episode 107: Dragonlance in Comics

For readers of fantasy, especially those with a history of role-playing “Dragonlance” is a well-known property.  But, did you know that it was also available to readers of comic books? Thanks to a listener question, we go through the various incarnations of comics tied to the World of Krynn, including both adaptations and original stories.

A very familiar site for 80s and 90s fantasy readers.

“Book Two” is actually the second half of the first book. It makes sense when you read it.

A more recent adaptation. Of course I chose the one with Raistlin on the cover…

Guess who the main character is. I’m guessing you’re wrong.

As promised, here’s me as Raistlin (with some Photoshop, but not as much as you might think).

Episode 66: How Important is “Lore” in RPGs?

We dive into another aspect of Tabletop Role-Playing Games this episode, and discuss the importance of world lore.  How much should a player know before they start playing in that world, and how do they go about learning those details?  Take a listen and find out!

But first, a correction from last episode, then a memorial for a fallen actor.

How the Captain became a Commander, despite their being no such rank in his branch of the military.

How the Captain became a Commander, despite their being no such rank in his branch of the military.

Chadwick Boseman: 1976-2020. Rest in Power.

Chadwick Boseman: 1976-2020. Rest in Power.

“Short and Stout?”  Is this a dwarf or a teapot?

“Short and Stout?” Is this a dwarf or a teapot?

Episode 32: Dungeon Crawlers (aka RPG-Style Board Games)

What if you want to kill some monsters, but don’t want to get bogged down in all that pesky role-playing?  Well, these games, past and present, may just be what you’re looking for.  Kurt covers the highlights of the history of dungeon crawler board games this episode.

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The title is written in blood so you know it’s scary!

The title is written in blood so you know it’s scary!

For hours and hours and hours and hours of…fun?

For hours and hours and hours and hours of…fun?

Squats are an important part of any adventurer’s workout routine!

Squats are an important part of any adventurer’s workout routine!

By our powers combined, we make…Boardgame Planet!  (Captain Boardgame?)

By our powers combined, we make…Boardgame Planet! (Captain Boardgame?)

Descent: Journey into tile organization (trust me, don’t just put them back in the box).

Descent: Journey into tile organization (trust me, don’t just put them back in the box).

Just some of the components you get in the Gloomhaven base set.  It’s a whole lot of game!

Just some of the components you get in the Gloomhaven base set. It’s a whole lot of game!

Episode 21: Getting Medieval on Fantasy

This episode, Kurt is asked about why so much of fantasy takes place in a Medieval-like setting, and discusses a few of those reasons why that is the case.  Plus more famous quotes are given their origins; this time all coming from the same source.

One of the granddaddies of fantasy literature: King Arthur.

One of the granddaddies of fantasy literature: King Arthur.

Can’t bring up fantasy without Tolkien becoming part of the discussion, especially in this case.

Can’t bring up fantasy without Tolkien becoming part of the discussion, especially in this case.

A recent example of fantasy that takes place in a Medieval-like world. Have we mentioned that Winter is Coming?

A recent example of fantasy that takes place in a Medieval-like world. Have we mentioned that Winter is Coming?

A counter-example I bring up in the episode. If you find this book in bookstores, more likely it has the “serious” cover with Excalibur coming out of the lake, but this is how I found it.

A counter-example I bring up in the episode. If you find this book in bookstores, more likely it has the “serious” cover with Excalibur coming out of the lake, but this is how I found it.

Shadowrun: another counter-example, although the races still draw their inspiration from Tolkien. (Insert “The Unusual Suspects” joke here.)

Shadowrun: another counter-example, although the races still draw their inspiration from Tolkien. (Insert “The Unusual Suspects” joke here.)

Episode 20: Introduction to Dungeons and Dragons

What is Dungeons and Dragons, and how to explain its long-term popularity?  Also, is it possible to try the game out without committing a lot of time and/or money?  I take the time to answer these questions on this episode.  If you’re at all curious what all the hype is about, take a listen!

The very original printing. Good luck finding that!

The very original printing. Good luck finding that!

Let the looting begin!

Let the looting begin!

2nd Edition. Pretty cover, horrible layout inside.

2nd Edition. Pretty cover, horrible layout inside.

3rd Edition, then 3.5. So few changes, they didn’t even bother coming up with a new font.

3rd Edition, then 3.5. So few changes, they didn’t even bother coming up with a new font.

4th Edition. The red-headed stepchild of the D&D Franchise, although it still has its supporters, including me!

4th Edition. The red-headed stepchild of the D&D Franchise, although it still has its supporters, including me!

The current version, 5th Edition.

The current version, 5th Edition.

Want to get a free copy of the D&D rules, and try it yourself? Just click here!

Episode 16: Min-Maxing and Meta-Gaming in Role-Playing Games

Min-Maxing and Meta-Gaming.  If you're sitting at a table playing D&D, you likely do not want to be accused of either of these.  But, what are they exactly, and can they ever be a force for good?  Find out in this week's episode.  Bonus: Where does the opening phrase of the podcast come from?

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Perhaps a point or two more in perception would have been good.

Perhaps a point or two more in perception would have been good.

Please, do go on…

Please, do go on…

Pretty please?

Pretty please?