Episode 18: Stan Lee History and Tribute

This week’s episode, instead of answering a question, is a history of and tribute to Stan Lee, who died recently.  We look at his beginnings in the industry, and some of the important contributions he made throughout the years.

Stan “The Man” Lee. ‘Nuff Said.

Stan “The Man” Lee. ‘Nuff Said.

Episode I - The Starts and Restarts of the DC Universe

Learn the history of the various reboots of the DC Universe, both hard and soft.  From Action Comics #1 in 1938 all the way to 2016's Rebirth, find out about the big continuity shake-ups that have changed the history of some of your favorite characters.

Don't forget to Subscribe in iTunes!

In the beginning...

In the beginning...

The Silver Age starts in a Flash

The Silver Age starts in a Flash

Flash meets Flash

Flash meets Flash

It's called Crisis for a reason

It's called Crisis for a reason

These things never go well for The Flash

These things never go well for The Flash

A major crossover with no Superman, Batman, or Wonder Woman?

A major crossover with no Superman, Batman, or Wonder Woman?

High collars and low cut tops. Thanks, Jim Lee!

High collars and low cut tops. Thanks, Jim Lee!

The oddest game of tag ever.

The oddest game of tag ever.