Episode 144: Who Are The Legion of Super-Heroes?

Inspired by a question from a co-worker during a regular (albeit off-topic from work) conversation, this week we’re looking at the history of the 30th/31st Century team known as The Legion of Super-Heroes! From their first appearance, to the “Reboot,” “Threeboot” and beyond, why does this team have such a hardcore fanbase?

Cosmic Boy eventually lost the fishbowl helmet as well, thankfully.

The Five Years Later Legion. They’ve grown up a little…except maybe Shrinking Violet.

Just a few of the members of the Post Zero-Hour Legion.

Jim Shooter returns to the Legion, although not the same one he wrote years earlier.

Some classic George Perez “get every member in there” shots for the Legion of Three Worlds mini.

The latest Legion being introduced to Superboy.

Episode 72: The Justice Society of America (and Thanksgiving)

With this episode being released on Thanksgiving day (in America), I wanted to touch on the heroes that I most associate with the holiday, and that is DC’s first super team: the Justice Society of America.  From the Golden Age up to today, we go over how they’ve changed over the years, while keeping true to their original vision, and touch on the two Thanksgiving stories that inspired this particular topic to come out today.

Poor Johnny Thunder gets left out of the picture, even though he’s mentioned on the cover.

Poor Johnny Thunder gets left out of the picture, even though he’s mentioned on the cover.

They seem to be happy to see the Justice League holding hands.

They seem to be happy to see the Justice League holding hands.

Things do not go well for the team in the 80s.

Things do not go well for the team in the 80s.

Home Again…but not for long.  Sorry guys, the early 90s were even less kind.

Home Again…but not for long. Sorry guys, the early 90s were even less kind.

Not actual size.

Not actual size.

This would be what we call an homage…

This would be what we call an homage…

Feet off the table, Atom!

Feet off the table, Atom!

The New 52 Earth 2 heroes.

The New 52 Earth 2 heroes.

Episode I - The Starts and Restarts of the DC Universe

Learn the history of the various reboots of the DC Universe, both hard and soft.  From Action Comics #1 in 1938 all the way to 2016's Rebirth, find out about the big continuity shake-ups that have changed the history of some of your favorite characters.

Don't forget to Subscribe in iTunes!

In the beginning...

In the beginning...

The Silver Age starts in a Flash

The Silver Age starts in a Flash

Flash meets Flash

Flash meets Flash

It's called Crisis for a reason

It's called Crisis for a reason

These things never go well for The Flash

These things never go well for The Flash

A major crossover with no Superman, Batman, or Wonder Woman?

A major crossover with no Superman, Batman, or Wonder Woman?

High collars and low cut tops. Thanks, Jim Lee!

High collars and low cut tops. Thanks, Jim Lee!

The oddest game of tag ever.

The oddest game of tag ever.