Episode 144: Who Are The Legion of Super-Heroes?

Inspired by a question from a co-worker during a regular (albeit off-topic from work) conversation, this week we’re looking at the history of the 30th/31st Century team known as The Legion of Super-Heroes! From their first appearance, to the “Reboot,” “Threeboot” and beyond, why does this team have such a hardcore fanbase?

Cosmic Boy eventually lost the fishbowl helmet as well, thankfully.

The Five Years Later Legion. They’ve grown up a little…except maybe Shrinking Violet.

Just a few of the members of the Post Zero-Hour Legion.

Jim Shooter returns to the Legion, although not the same one he wrote years earlier.

Some classic George Perez “get every member in there” shots for the Legion of Three Worlds mini.

The latest Legion being introduced to Superboy.

Episode 123: The Revolving Death Door (Why all the Resurrections in Comics?)

The saying the listener asking this week’s question references used to be: “No one stays dead but Bucky, Jason Todd and Uncle Ben,” but two of those three have also returned from the grave. So, why are so many characters brought back to life after being given a “permanent” end to their story?

Yes, I see where this is going…

Yes, that makes sense…

Wait. What?

This is…not how lightning works. Except the “you dying” part.

This will work out fine, I’m sure.


He got better.