Episode 10: The Future is Now!
Starting from near the beginning of the science-fiction genre, here are just a few times that sci-fi predicted technology before its arrival in our world.
Starting from near the beginning of the science-fiction genre, here are just a few times that sci-fi predicted technology before its arrival in our world.
Listener Joshua C. just watched the pilot of Cloak and Dagger, and is curious to find out how close the characters and other aspects of the show hew to their original comic book counterparts.
If you want to support the creator of Cloak and Dagger (and Rocket Raccoon!), please visit BillMantlo.com and click on the Donate link there.
We go over a few comic book stories and characters that have fourth-wall breaking as an important part of their dynamic. And if you're not familiar with what "breaking the fourth wall is," I explain that up front.
Thanks to the question from listener Justin B. (No, it's not Bieber), this is the first in a recurring feature we'll come back to every now and then, each time focusing on a different heroic identity. We'll look at the people who have taken the place of the original, and what happened to them once the primogenitor returns.
The listener question this time is about the rivalry of Marvel vs. DC; the differences between the two companies, the history of their feuds and collaborations, and other causes for the rift in the fan community.
Two listeners get their questions answered this time. One wants to know what makes Legacy games special and if they're worth the price. The other wants to know why everyone in movies is crossing their arms.
Mutants are "hated and feared" by many humans in the Marvel Universe, but listener Aaron L. wants to know why they're treated so differently from the other super-powered beings. Kurt tackles this question, as well as announcing a contest! (See below for more details)
Contest announcement! Go to the Welcome to Geektown Facebook page, and share any post there for an entry into the contest. Get two more entries into the contest by leaving a five-star review on iTunes (this also gets you in the Geektown City Council). One winner, picked at random, will win their own copy of Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 1 Trade Paperback, where Peter Parker's origin is retold in a more modern format. A great jumping-on point!
In anticipation of Avengers: Infinity War, listener Joel L. asks about its villain, Thanos, and why he's so scary.
Don't forget to stay past the credits!
Where should one begin reading when they take their first foray into the Marvel Universe? That's the question asked today by listener Justin B., and Kurt offers a few different options with pros and cons for each.
Learn the history of the various reboots of the DC Universe, both hard and soft. From Action Comics #1 in 1938 all the way to 2016's Rebirth, find out about the big continuity shake-ups that have changed the history of some of your favorite characters.
Don't forget to Subscribe in iTunes!
This introductory episode introduces the idea of the show, and informs you of all the ways you can submit questions to be answered on future shows. The quickest and easiest of those is to email them to welcometogeektown@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from all of you as you are each Welcomed to Geektown!
Welcome to Geektown! This is/will be a podcast where I answer questions from geeks and non-geeks alike about all sorts of geeky subjects. There are some people out there who feel that there should be an "entry barrier" into fandom, and you have to prove you already know everything about a subject before you can call yourself a fan. I say "No!" If you like something, or want to learn more about something, you should never feel ashamed. And that's why I created this: to give people a safe space to ask the questions they might otherwise feel ashamed or embarrassed to ask. Is there terminology you don't understand? History you want to know more about? Please, ask away! Questions can be placed here, on the comments page of a specific episode that they relate to, or emailed to welcometogeektown@gmail.com.