Episode 111: Earth Numbering Systems in DC and Marvel

You may have heard of Earth 1, Earth 2, and possibly even Earth 616.  But, how did all these names come to be, and who decides which is which? Wouldn’t they all want to be Earth 1? That’s what listener Joel L. asks, and Kurt answers for both the Marvel and DC Universes this episode.

The first time multiple Earths show up.

And the first time they get named.

The DC Multiverse as it (sort of) stands today.

The first use of 616 to refer to the regular Marvel Universe.

Episode 100: A Look Back

In this milestone episode, I look back to some earlier episodes, including the very first, to see what stories need updating.  In addition, I talk about questions I’ve received that, while appreciated, will not be the basis for a future episode.

Okay, we might be taking the title of “Death Metal” a little too literally…

Okay, we might be taking the title of “Death Metal” a little too literally…

Physician, feed thyself.

Physician, feed thyself.

Wakanda Forev…wait a second.

Wakanda Forev…wait a second.

Episode 72: The Justice Society of America (and Thanksgiving)

With this episode being released on Thanksgiving day (in America), I wanted to touch on the heroes that I most associate with the holiday, and that is DC’s first super team: the Justice Society of America.  From the Golden Age up to today, we go over how they’ve changed over the years, while keeping true to their original vision, and touch on the two Thanksgiving stories that inspired this particular topic to come out today.

Poor Johnny Thunder gets left out of the picture, even though he’s mentioned on the cover.

Poor Johnny Thunder gets left out of the picture, even though he’s mentioned on the cover.

They seem to be happy to see the Justice League holding hands.

They seem to be happy to see the Justice League holding hands.

Things do not go well for the team in the 80s.

Things do not go well for the team in the 80s.

Home Again…but not for long.  Sorry guys, the early 90s were even less kind.

Home Again…but not for long. Sorry guys, the early 90s were even less kind.

Not actual size.

Not actual size.

This would be what we call an homage…

This would be what we call an homage…

Feet off the table, Atom!

Feet off the table, Atom!

The New 52 Earth 2 heroes.

The New 52 Earth 2 heroes.

Episode 41: Let’s Get Caught Up on the Arrowverse! (Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, and Batwoman)

In anticipation of this year’s massive Crisis on Infinite Earths TV event, we get caught up on the main characters of all of the Arrowverse shows, so that you’ll be ready even if you don’t normally watch all of them.

This episode is on the longer side, and even so, there’s a bunch of stuff I wasn’t able to fit in, so if you want me to go into more detail on anything, please leave a comment here letting me know, or click the “Submit a Question” link up above to put in your request!

The show that started it all. This is the first season cast. Felicity wasn’t yet a regular.

The show that started it all. This is the first season cast. Felicity wasn’t yet a regular.

Season Two! Look, a mask!

Season Two! Look, a mask!

Team Flash (or, at least some of it). From Left to Right, that’s Caitlyn, Flash (duh), Iris, and Cisco.

Team Flash (or, at least some of it). From Left to Right, that’s Caitlyn, Flash (duh), Iris, and Cisco.

Supergirl! And Martian Manhunter! Even if you don’t watch the show, you should be able to figure out which is which…

Supergirl! And Martian Manhunter! Even if you don’t watch the show, you should be able to figure out which is which…

First season’s Legends of Tomorrow team.

First season’s Legends of Tomorrow team.

And the team for most of the fourth season. Yes, that stuffed animal (Beebo) is included. Just watch the show…

And the team for most of the fourth season. Yes, that stuffed animal (Beebo) is included. Just watch the show…

We’re being Invaded! Quick, everyone get lined up!

We’re being Invaded! Quick, everyone get lined up!

Yearbook photo for the Crisis on Earth-X club.

Yearbook photo for the Crisis on Earth-X club.

Yes, Ollie kept the stubble, even when he was The Flash.

Yes, Ollie kept the stubble, even when he was The Flash.

To keep things semi-spoiler free, I’m not including any promo shots from unaired episodes, but here’s the cover to the Crisis on Infinite Earths hardcover.

To keep things semi-spoiler free, I’m not including any promo shots from unaired episodes, but here’s the cover to the Crisis on Infinite Earths hardcover.

Episode 8: I'm talking to you Through the Fourth Wall

We go over a few comic book stories and characters that have fourth-wall breaking as an important part of their dynamic.  And if you're not familiar with what "breaking the fourth wall is," I explain that up front.

Time out! No, seriously, time out! What is this doing here?

Time out! No, seriously, time out! What is this doing here?

Deadpool does it right on the box! (That is probably the least family-friendly comment I'll make on this site or the podcast)

Deadpool does it right on the box! (That is probably the least family-friendly comment I'll make on this site or the podcast)

Classic? Thanks for making me feel old, Marvel!

Classic? Thanks for making me feel old, Marvel!

She really means it folks...

She really means it folks...

This book is as fun as the cover makes it appear to be.

This book is as fun as the cover makes it appear to be.

While this book is as weird as the cover makes it appear to be.

While this book is as weird as the cover makes it appear to be.

I don't remember if this happens in the book, but the fact that it's possible tells you a lot.

I don't remember if this happens in the book, but the fact that it's possible tells you a lot.