Episode 139: Who is John Constantine (aka The Hellblazer)?

One of our listeners just discovered the character of John Constantine, and wants to learn more about him before diving in on his own. So, we look at a bit of the history behind this DC/Vertigo staple, and answer some important questions, like “How do you pronounce Constantine?”

You say Tine, I say Teen. Let’s call the whole thing off…

One of my personal favorite renditions of the character, by artist Darick Robertson.

One live-action adaptation of the character…

…and another. One slightly more comic accurate than the other. At least they both got the drinking right.

He’s crazy, but he’s not that crazy…

Episode 41: Let’s Get Caught Up on the Arrowverse! (Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, and Batwoman)

In anticipation of this year’s massive Crisis on Infinite Earths TV event, we get caught up on the main characters of all of the Arrowverse shows, so that you’ll be ready even if you don’t normally watch all of them.

This episode is on the longer side, and even so, there’s a bunch of stuff I wasn’t able to fit in, so if you want me to go into more detail on anything, please leave a comment here letting me know, or click the “Submit a Question” link up above to put in your request!

The show that started it all. This is the first season cast. Felicity wasn’t yet a regular.

The show that started it all. This is the first season cast. Felicity wasn’t yet a regular.

Season Two! Look, a mask!

Season Two! Look, a mask!

Team Flash (or, at least some of it). From Left to Right, that’s Caitlyn, Flash (duh), Iris, and Cisco.

Team Flash (or, at least some of it). From Left to Right, that’s Caitlyn, Flash (duh), Iris, and Cisco.

Supergirl! And Martian Manhunter! Even if you don’t watch the show, you should be able to figure out which is which…

Supergirl! And Martian Manhunter! Even if you don’t watch the show, you should be able to figure out which is which…

First season’s Legends of Tomorrow team.

First season’s Legends of Tomorrow team.

And the team for most of the fourth season. Yes, that stuffed animal (Beebo) is included. Just watch the show…

And the team for most of the fourth season. Yes, that stuffed animal (Beebo) is included. Just watch the show…

We’re being Invaded! Quick, everyone get lined up!

We’re being Invaded! Quick, everyone get lined up!

Yearbook photo for the Crisis on Earth-X club.

Yearbook photo for the Crisis on Earth-X club.

Yes, Ollie kept the stubble, even when he was The Flash.

Yes, Ollie kept the stubble, even when he was The Flash.

To keep things semi-spoiler free, I’m not including any promo shots from unaired episodes, but here’s the cover to the Crisis on Infinite Earths hardcover.

To keep things semi-spoiler free, I’m not including any promo shots from unaired episodes, but here’s the cover to the Crisis on Infinite Earths hardcover.

Episode 19: Female Superhero Movies - Why aren't there more, and who should be next?

With nearly a dozen new comic-book movies each year, why do so few of them have women in their leading roles? That’s what listener Justin B. asked, and what I attempt to answer, as well as giving thoughts on which superheroines should get the spotlight next.

Well, we know what’s coming next for women superheroes on the big screen…

She’s been in enough Marvel movies, let’s finally give her the starring role.

She’s been in enough Marvel movies, let’s finally give her the starring role.

No, that’s not poorly done foreshortening. Her fist really does get that big (or bigger!)

No, that’s not poorly done foreshortening. Her fist really does get that big (or bigger!)

Possibly the next Riggs and Murtaugh, although neither is too old for this…um…stuff.

Possibly the next Riggs and Murtaugh, although neither is too old for this…um…stuff.

Oh, the days when $2.99 was the price of a comic…Also, who’s the creep in the corner?

Oh, the days when $2.99 was the price of a comic…Also, who’s the creep in the corner?